Get Connected

We were never meant to live this life alone. Here at Forefront, one way we make sure we're in this together is through Small Groups. Our groups are 5-15 people who meet once a week in homes all over Hampton Roads. Groups are a relaxing and non-threatening place where you will feel welcomed.

Some Small Groups offer child care. There is a weekly study that goes along with the messages from Sunday. You also get to foster new relationships and do life together on a weekly basis.

The Table - The Place That Gathers Us Together

In “The Table," we're turning our attention to a timeless yet often overlooked centerpiece of our lives: the table. It's more than just a piece of furniture; it's a place where mundane moments become miraculous, where meals become sacred, and where conversations build connections that last a lifetime. At the table, ministry happens; it's where we break bread, break down walls, and keep an open seat for others to join in. Over these weeks, we'll delve into the profound significance of this simple piece of furniture and uncover the powerful spiritual lessons it holds.

Have Questions

Have any questions about Small Groups or the Weekly Studies? You can email Dan Pollard and he'll help with any questions you may have.

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